lime [5] mende ttg aku.....
[5] things that i like....
>>berangan sblm tdo...
>>window shoping
>>tukar2 my facial foam
>>delete gmbo yg buruk..haha
[5] things that i hate....
>>org yg permainkan my parents...kalu main name skali pon, aku da rase cm nk tmpeleng jerk!!
>>org yg xtepati janji..
>>rokok n asap rokok
>>selsema..susahnyer aku nk bnafas..
[5] things that makes me hurt....
>>when i saw my mother tears...
>>when i know that my mother sick..
>>time tgk sesape dlm famili aku yg nangis...
>>time tgk best fren aku nangis....
>>when i lost somebody........
[5] things that makes me scared....
>>Allah SWT..the most..
>>kematian o khilangan org2 tersayang...
>>hantu a.k.a makhluk halus...
>>tmpt ttutup...sempit..gelap...huh aku msti sesak nafas punyer!!!cm dlm kubur..
>>bl aku mende yg leh tmbah dose aku..
[5] things to do before I die....
>>mengucap 2 kalimah syahadah
>>wish 4 forgiveness to all
>>anta mak abah p Mekah...
>>bahgia n senangkan mak abh..
>>makes my dreams come to a reality...
[5] things to do before I sleep....
>>brush my teeth
>>make some facial..time rajin jerk!! :P
>>basuh kaki..
>>baca doa kul...a lot of simple zikir...
>>kiss my mom pic..muahhh...
[5] my favorite place...wish 1 day i'll be there...
[5] things in my room...
>> 3 pic album
>>brg make-up yg aku xreti nk pkai....
>>charger hp
>>air kosong...
[5] things in my handbag....
>>roll-on perfume
>>compact powder
[5] favourite movies....
>>full house
>>30 days of night
>>all about eve...
[5] favourite songs....
>>you're beautiful by james blunt...kalo la ada sorg laki yg sudi nyanyikan utk aku........
>>hadirlah kasih by 4u2c
>>sumayyah by Hijjaz
>>seribu tahun by imran ajmain
>>colors by utada hikaru
Lirik lagu Aku Penat - Alita Nidya
11 hours ago
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