im too free today..xbyk pon keje yg kene bt..feel a lot of juz nk story about SENTOSA ISLAND plak...spt yg djnjikan..
sentosa island ni sebuah pulau yg agak luas saiznya...dlm 1 pulau ni ada mcm2..bak kate pakcik kat astro tu, "mcm2 ada!!"...kat cni kita leh jenguk2 butterfly park & insect kingdom, underwater world, siloso beach, singapore cable car, singapore sky tower, kat cni gak korg leh tonton song of the sea yg femes giler tu, images of singapore, dolphin lagoon, ape lgik ek?huhu da tak bape nk ingat da..tlebey mkn semut kah aku? gagaga tp kat cni kalu nk masuk memane kene bayar!takde mende yg free of charge..adehh sakit gak dbuatnye..byngkan, nk msuk sentosa island ni je da kene bayar 2 dollar..tu kire murah la tu..nk msuk yg lain tu adela dlm 8, 10, 20 dollar..adehh bengkok makcik!
mls nk cite pepanjang, juz scroll ur mouse tgk pics kat bwh ni...hope u enjoy seeing n reading.. :)
mmg cntik sgt laut kat cni...tu pintu msuk kat tepi tu pon kalu korg nk lalu, buleh jerk...
ni kat jambatan gantung kat siloso beach...mmg tgantung habes..goyang2 jerk kalu org lalu...smpatla gak aku n zira cecah2 air laut tu...laut diorg sungguh BERSIH!!
images of singapore..aku tak tau amende tu images of singapore..dlm bangunan tu juz ade rstoran n kedai cenderahati tp sooo expensive!bl mlm cntik la kat cni, sbb lampu dia wane wani...
ni aku naik shuttle kat sentosa island ondaway nk g dolphin lagoon...akhirnye hajat aku nk naik shuttle 2 tingkat ni tmakbul..hehe..alhamdulillah..lg sonok sbb atas dia mmg takde bumbung! :D
ni plak gmbo aku ngn zira kat singapore cable car...kat sblh ni ade singapore sky tower...
- time smpai kat sentosa island..kene tgu bus lain lak amek..
- bongkah siloso yg aku suke bangattt!!
- images of singapore..
- burung merak ni jinak sgt..mmg dia keje merayap je skitar sky tower n cable car..siap lalu kat sblh aku aku pon snap la gmbonyer..
- aku n jira...mak kate gmbo ni klaka..suke sgt jeling2 ke ats..hehe
- big merlion..cntik time mlm sbb lampu dia..gmba kurg clear la..aiyo!
- singapore sky tower..tinggi gak..pusing2 jerk..wat pening pale..
- dolphin lagoon...
- pintu masuk ke song of the sea..sweet memories eva!
- gmbo aku ngn tikus beso yg nk story psl ape ntah...hehe nk gak bt gaya cm tikus tu tp ramai sgt lak org time cancel..
- kat cable car...
- signboard butterfly park n insect kingdom
- kat memane je ade tong sampah..c..singapore pentingkan kbersihan!katun tu ckp," s...slip ur trash into this bin!"
- aku kat signboard 'beach tram'...pns giler time nih..
- kat shuttle kesukaanku!hiks.. :D
- huish kusyuknyer tn.hisyam n cikzul tu..hehe...
- tgh tgu song of the sea nye show stat..kalu p singapore tak tgk show ni, mmg wooo..
- me n song of the sea signboard..hehe...
-the end-tq-daaa-
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