again n again n kene tag!!aiya...kali ni, lagik skali en. janggel kate ade adiah utk aku...n aku mmg da agak, ni la adiah dia..haha..sabo je la.. to choose 10 people is quite hard for me too en. janggel yea but I think its ok if I just put a few name..calon2nyer adelah: wah, sume gegurl jer..kekeke... nota: aku bkn dlm mood 'tag' nih..byk lak keje 2 3 menjak ni.. persoalan: haruskah aku mninggalkn utm?........
Rules & Regulations :
Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
No tags back!
So...these are exactly me:
Here are the namelist:
1. cikzira
2. cikwawa
3. cikyanie
4. cikanis
5. cikbib
Lirik lagu Aku Penat - Alita Nidya
14 hours ago
4 cOmmEnt:
"Oh cikzura...thanks kerna sudi membuat tag dariku heheheh"
tinggal je.
datang kat gua nih
lenkali bg la tag yg mencabar skit..kekeke
ade ape kat lu beb?hehehe..
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