Law & Order
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
2) Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture.
ish cmne nk tukar, ni kat opis nih..mane ade bw bju spare..
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
yo lah!sy menurut perintah :p
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
erm br pas upload gmbo..hehe
5) Tag 10 people to do this
aiya..apsal smpai suploh?limo jo, buleh? :D
1) cikzira yg tembam
2) cikwawa yg tembam jugak :p
3) enchekcamera yg tinggi lampai
4) kadnad yg chumel..ahaks! :)
5) lilo yg chubby :D gmbo aku dr atas...hehe..kire ok la tu kan..
nota bawah: huh sungguh brani aku membuat tag ini..kah kah kah
10 cOmmEnt:
dah kritikal dah wabak tag nih gua ingat
Bagus..bagus...angle yang canteeeekkk. hehehe
haha..wa rase pon cm gitu ler..siap ngn gua skali da terjangkit! :P
kah kah..cantekkk la sgt..huhu :D
ok!lu jgn tag gua sudah...
pening2 cm ner2
Salam cikzue...ade gak tag lagu nih deh...hehehehe...
Selamat berstudy...dah nak exam kan??
hehe..ala kalu i tag u pon pe slh je time ngetag org aritu..penat pk, sapela yg nk ditagkan ni?slmt name 'padelkopak' tak mjelma time tu..hiks! :D
enchek camera:, jgn tak bt!!nnt i lwt ur blog k.. :p
salam e.d...
ntah tetibe je zura kene tag aritu..layan je la..hehe
aiya..abg e.d oi..zura da tak study lagik la..zura keje kat cni..ekeke
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